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Catholic News Herald

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parkerDuring the seasons of Advent and Christmas the Church is steeped in the remembrance and honor of Mary, the Mother of God and the Mother of our Church. As Catholics, we should not only remember Mary as the mother of our Savior, Jesus Christ, but allow her to be our guide in bringing about the fullness of the plan God has for us.

Edward Sri, in his book “A Biblical Walk Through the Mass,” gives insight into Mary actually being the first person to receive the Holy Eucharist as she received the incarnated God into her virginal womb. Mary was the first to say “yes” to Christ dwelling within her. Thus she gave herself to the working of the Holy Spirit to become fully mother, spouse and daughter of God. We should look upon this grace in awe, with wonder and astonishment.

Yet, our own lives are not so far from the incredible work that God began in Mary. We, too, are called to be adopted children of God. What’s more, through the Eucharist Jesus espouses us to Himself as His bride, the body of the Church, and we become one with Him and the Father.

Just as a puppet cannot become real and belong as a child to its master without going through a supernatural change into the substance of the master, so too we are changed by our baptism into Christ’s death and resurrection.

In our baptism we begin to have a share in God’s divine nature. When we partake of the sacrament of Holy Communion, we, as Mary did two thousand years ago, say “yes” in acceptance of Christ dwelling within us to be used for His work in God’s kingdom here on Earth.

Mary became the first true tabernacle when the Incarnate Word was made flesh inside her at the Annunciation. So too, we become tabernacles of Christ each time we partake of His Body and Blood at Mass.

How can we even begin to accept this reality in the knowledge of our sinfulness? Truly we are unworthy. But it is through Mary’s guidance, the guidance of the saints and angels, and the guidance of our priests that we can live a life of holiness to be worthy of this gift and use it for its full purpose, to draw others to Christ.

In his letter to the Ephesians (1:3-10), Paul writes, “He destined us in love to be His sons through Jesus Christ … as a plan for the fullness of time, to unite all things in Him...” So therefore, let us be watchful and waiting like the virgins with their lamps lit and their oil made ready. “Behold, the bridegroom! Come out to meet him!” (Matthew 25:6). At each Mass, let us reflect and ponder at the wonder that takes place within us as we welcome Christ into our lives, into our very bodies; as we are espoused by Him.

Sri reflects on what it would be like for Mary to prepare herself to receive the Eucharist at Mass: “Imagine the loving attention she gave to Jesus in every holy communion. What a joy it must have been for her to have her Son dwelling within her again!”

Let Mary’s jubilation be shared in our hearts, minds, and souls, as well.

Make haste, our Bridegroom approaches. Let us be ready!

Pray for us, O Holy Mother of God, that we may be worthy of the promises of Christ.

April Parker is a teacher at St. Pius X School and parishioner at St. Pius X Parish in Greensboro.