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Catholic News Herald

Serving Christ and Connecting Catholics in Western North Carolina
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CHARLOTTE — Veterum Sapientia Institute has a new accredited degree program: the Diploma Latinitatis Ecclesiasticae, or Diploma in Ecclesiastical Latin. This program is launched in partnership with the Pontifical Institute for Higher Latinity, a faculty of the Salesian University in Rome, which shares the Charlotte-based institute’s mission of promoting the study of ecclesiastical, or Church, Latin.

The DLE is a three-year program designed especially for clergy and religious, to give them the necessary tools to become thoroughly familiar with the “wisdom of the ancients” contained in both the ecclesiastical and secular literature of the Latin language. Students will have the option to fulfill the course requirements in non-consecutive semesters, or to take on a reduced course load per semester. The program’s first semester will be offered this fall.

For details, go to www.veterumsapientia.org.

— Veterum Sapientia Institute