In this recent photo of a family and their newborn child at Holy Family Hospital in Bethlehem, Michele Bowe, Order of Malta ambassador to Palestine and president of Holy Family Hospital Foundation, said, “Joy repeats itself with each new life in Bethlehem.” (Photo provided by Holy Family Hospital)GREENSBORO — Two weeks before celebrating Jesus’ birth, St. Pius X parishioners celebrated a “beacon of hope” at His birthplace, the Order of Malta Holy Family Hospital in Bethlehem.
The parish hosted a dinner honoring Michele Bowe, Order of Malta ambassador to Palestine and president of Holy Family Hospital Foundation on Dec. 11, after a three-day visit and Little Town of Bethlehem Live Nativity.
“Holy Family Hospital is a beacon of hope, Catholic, teaching maternity hospital, with over 4,500 babies born yearly and 450 babies treated in their state-of-the-art Level 3 NICU where no one is ever turned away for need or creed,” Bowe said.
“Our hospital is the miracle of the loaves and the fishes. We provide over 144,000 services for just over $5 million; that’s a miracle within itself,” she said. “I like to think of it as atonement or reparations to the Holy Family, who found no room at the inn.”
The hospital is only 1,500 footsteps away from the Church of the Nativity. It is the only hospital in the region that can deliver and save a baby born before 34 weeks gestation. Babies born before 27 weeks – who may not be considered viable by the medical community in many parts of the world, due to a lack of specialized training or equipment – are resuscitated and given lifesaving care.
If a baby is considered not viable, there is no medical obligation for care, Bowe said, but at Holy Family Hospital, the team springs into action.
“The entire hospital stops to receive that one child. We wait and we pray,” said Bowe. “I witnessed the miracle of Baby Leah, born at 23 weeks, still, not breathing, docs quickly stepped into action. After one surgery and a five-month stay, Baby Leah went home smiling and in good health.” She recently returned to the NICU to celebrate her fourth birthday.
“Our hospital spreads the culture of life by saving the smallest of lives and training our staff that it is indeed possible, even in a country with limited resources, to be pro-life,” Bowe said.
Lindsay Sartorio, pastoral associate at St. Pius X Church, said, “Being in Bethlehem and seeing the care given to the smallest of babies there was a great ray of hope. Our parish and the diocese have a wonderful relationship with Holy Family Hospital, and it’s one of those organizations that once you learn about, you can’t help but feel deeply connected to and want to support.”
“Holy Family Hospital is a ministry that we support – not because they are Christians, but because we are,” said Monsignor Anthony Marcaccio, pastor. “I see it as an ecumenical, bridge-building enterprise for the Church. I know that parents, whether Christian or Muslim, will never forget the kindness you show their children or to them in their time of need. This is a concrete way for us to act globally in our defense of life. Peace in the Holy Land will come when we do the work of justice, and supporting life in Bethlehem is a righteous act.”
Bowe thanked Bishop Peter Jugis, Monsignor Marcaccio and St. Pius X parishioners for their support, calling them “clearly the three kings for the mothers and babies of Bethlehem.”
— Georgianna Penn, Correspondent
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