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Catholic News Herald

Serving Christ and Connecting Catholics in Western North Carolina
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072219 divine mercy 1HUNTERSVILLE — St. Mark Church in Huntersville held a votive Mass July 21 to celebrate the Feast of the Divine Child Jesus.

Father Brian Becker celebrated the 9 a.m. bilingual Mass. During his homily he said, “We contemplate our Lord under this aspect of his childlike weakness, his vulnerability. Our Lord can be harmed. Our Lord, who is power over the whole of creation all things came to be through him.

And yet it was the greatness of his humility where he came among us, according to that form of vulnerability, that we can all enter into that of a child.”

A brunch celebration followed in the Kerin Family Center where Father Alfonso Gamez led the community in prayers.

The Mass and celebration was organized by Lina Maria Hernandez, who also leads a nine-month novena to honor of the Divine Child Jesus.

— Provided by Amy Burger






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