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Catholic News Herald

Serving Christ and Connecting Catholics in Western North Carolina
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REIDSVILLE — Parishioners of Holy Infant Church gathered June 26 to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the dedication of their church.

The anniversary Mass, held outdoors to accommodate the large crowd, was followed by a cookout on the parish grounds. The diocesan pilgrim statue of Mary, Mother of God was also present for the parish’s historic celebration.

“It was a great parish-building event,” said Father Frank Seabo, pastor. Holy Infant Church (pictured below) was dedicated on June 26, 1962, by Raleigh Bishop Vincent Waters.

It is probably the most unusual looking church in the diocese. Its architect was Richard Burke Schnedl of Reidsville, a North Carolina native who was in the first graduating class at N.C. State University’s School (now College) of Design.

Schnedl was a devotee of Frank Lloyd Wright, and his design for the church featured bold white stucco walls accented by piercing angular windows and high skylights, an outward-angled front door and a curved roof line. Inside, the white walls and geometric accents highlight the crucifix mounted behind the altar.

— Photos provided

Read more about the history of Holy Infant Church in Reidsville, its unique church architecture, and its growth over the years in Reidsville


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