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Catholic News Herald

Serving Christ and Connecting Catholics in Western North Carolina
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 Ordination of permanent deacons at St Mark Church in 2014.

CHARLOTTE — For the past 20 years, Bishop Peter Jugis and the Eucharistic Congress he founded have inspired young men and women to pursue religious vocations, a number of priests say.

One of the diocese’s newest priests, Father Christopher Brock, says, “Being in the seminary and being in this diocese has been really incredible, and I think the Eucharistic Congress sums it up. A lot of it has to do with Bishop Jugis’ devotion to the Eucharist, and we see these vocations coming about because of that. I think Our Lord has blessed this diocese because of events like the Eucharistic Congress and having this good and holy bishop.”

A homegrown priest himself, Bishop Jugis has nurtured local vocations. He’s known for starting early – encouraging young altar servers to follow their hearts, speaking to them personally and handing out rosaries and prayer cards, then remembering their names next time they cross paths. He prays daily for more vocations and has increased funding and staff for the diocese’s vocations program.

Since the start of his episcopacy in 2003, Bishop Jugis has issued calls to holy orders for the ordinations of 57 new priests and 65 permanent deacons for service in the Diocese of Charlotte.

Read more about the growth of vocations in the Diocese of Charlotte:






In the Gospel He tells us: The Good Shepherd lays down His life for His sheep. This is what He expects of you. You will lay down your life in service to Christ as you visit the sick for the sacrament of anointing, as you absolve from sins in the sacrament of penance, as you offer the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass for the nourishment of Christ’s sheep, as you teach the Gospel, as you celebrate the sacraments. It is all about Jesus, and the salvation of your brothers and sisters. It is Christ whom we proclaim.

— Bishop Jugis from his homily during the 2010 ordination Mass


He’s meant a lot to me. Seeing how much he cares for his flock, and that is something that's inspired me for my own part to really care for my own flock, so just seeing how much he loves his diocese. I hope to do the same for the people entrusted to my care.

— Father Chinonso Nnebe-Agumadu, parochial vicar, St. Mark Parish, from Bishop Jugis' 20th anniversary special section

Bishop Jugis with the permenant deacons in 2024
Bishop Jugis with the permenant deacons in 2024
World Day for Consecrated Life Mass in 2024
World Day for Consecrated Life Mass in 2024
Bishop Jugis with Daughters of the Virgin Mother in 2022 (Copy)
Bishop Jugis with Daughters of the Virgin Mother in 2022 (Copy)
Bishop Jugis with six seminarians admitted to candidacy for holy orders in 2023
Bishop Jugis with six seminarians admitted to candidacy for holy orders in 2023
Bishop Jugis during the permenant deacon ordination
Bishop Jugis during the permenant deacon ordination
Bishop Jugis ordained 12 men as permanent deacons in 2021
Bishop Jugis ordained 12 men as permanent deacons in 2021
Bishop Jugis ordained 12 men as permanent deacons in 2021
Bishop Jugis ordained 12 men as permanent deacons in 2021
Ordination to the priesthood in 2016.
Ordination to the priesthood in 2016.
Ordination of Casey Coleman as transitional deacon in 2014
Ordination of Casey Coleman as transitional deacon in 2014
Permanent deacons ordination in 2021
Permanent deacons ordination in 2021
Ordination of permanent deacons at St Mark Church in 2014
Ordination of permanent deacons at St Mark Church in 2014
Bishop Jugis after 2015 ordination
Bishop Jugis after 2015 ordination

Explore Bishop Jugis' contributions to the Diocese of Charlotte:

Bishop Peter Jugis guided the diocese through unprecedented growth

Bishop Jugis created six parishes for the diocese

Bishop Jugis brings celebration of the Eucharist to diocese

Bishop Jugis has fostered diversity and inclusion of all Catholics

Bishop Jugis grew ministries and services through stewardship

Diocese marks a half-century of serving faithful

Bishop Jugis led the diocese through the aftermath of abuse revelations

Bishop Jugis steered the Charlotte diocese through the COVID-19 pandemic

Bishop Jugis creates St. Joseph College Seminary, impacts vocations for decades