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Catholic News Herald

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072624 monkBelmont Abbey College graduate John Paul Hamilton recently joined the Benedictine monks of Belmont Abbey, professing simple (or first) vows to the monastic community for the next three years. (Photos provided by Belmont Abbey College)BELMONT — The example of the Benedictine monks who taught him has inspired a Belmont Abbey College graduate to join their monastic community.

John Paul Hamilton graduated in 2020 with a degree in English. During his time as a student, he received guidance and mentorship from the abbey’s monks and faculty members who played a crucial role in shaping his character and formation.

On July 11, Hamilton made his simple (first) profession of vows, committing to life in the Benedictine community for the next three years. Brother Gabriel, as he is now called, took vows of obedience, stability and fidelity to the monastic manner of life according to the Rule of St. Benedict.

The ceremony was celebrated during Belmont Abbey’s Conventual Mass on the feast of St. Benedict, who founded the religious order nearly 1,500 years ago. Brother Gabriel’s family, friends and members of the college community attended the Mass at the abbey’s Mary Help of Christians Basilica.

In his homily, Benedictine Abbot Placid Solari reminded Brother Gabriel that the monastic way of life involves a unique embrace of the cross of Christ. Quoting from the Gospel of John, he assured Brother Gabriel with Jesus’ words, “Whoever serves me must follow me, and where I am, there also will my servant be. The Father will honor whoever serves me” (John 12:26).

After the homily, Brother Gabriel stood in front of the altar to profess his vows and then was received into the community, exchanging the sign of peace with his new brother monks.

With their simple, or first, profession of vows, someone who is discerning a vocation as a consecrated religious is able to continue the process of prayer and discernment under the guidance of the religious community for a specific period of time. After fulfilling simple vows, the person may take the next step with solemn, or final, vows that confirm their vocation and lifetime commitment to the community.

The celebration of Brother Gabriel’s simple profession of vows is not only a profound moment for him personally, but also a significant milestone for the entire Belmont Abbey community.

“It was so wonderful to see the overwhelming joy that filled Brother Gabriel as he made his first profession of vows. That joy seemed to radiate throughout the basilica and could be seen in every face – especially in those of his family, friends and faculty who were in attendance,” said Dr. Bill Thierfelder, president of Belmont Abbey College.

“It was a day of great hope for the monastic community and the Church to witness the humble fiat of this incredible young man, an alumnus of Belmont Abbey’s Honors College, committing himself to the Benedictine life of ‘ora et labora’ (prayer and work).”

— Sarah Bolton, Special to the Catholic News Herald

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