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Catholic News Herald

Serving Christ and Connecting Catholics in Western North Carolina
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WINSTON-SALEM — St. Benedict the Moor observed the beginning of Lent on Ash Wednesday with a bilingual mass with Father Moses Njoh.. (Photo provided by Gloria Wilson)
WINSTON-SALEM — St. Benedict the Moor observed the beginning of Lent on Ash Wednesday with a bilingual mass with Father Moses Njoh.. (Photo provided by Gloria Wilson)
WINSTON-SALEM —  Father Moses and Rose Hinson, an extraordinary minister, distribute ash on the foreheads of the congregation. (Photo provided by Gloria Wilson)
WINSTON-SALEM — Father Moses and Rose Hinson, an extraordinary minister, distribute ash on the foreheads of the congregation. (Photo provided by Gloria Wilson)
CHARLOTTE —Sophomore Eric Koltz receives ashes from Sister Agnes Cousins, OSF, during Ash Wednesday Mass at Charlotte Catholic High School March 6. (Photo provided by Joann S. Keane)
CHARLOTTE —Sophomore Eric Koltz receives ashes from Sister Agnes Cousins, OSF, during Ash Wednesday Mass at Charlotte Catholic High School March 6. (Photo provided by Joann S. Keane)
CHARLOTTE —Sophomore Jenai Johnson receives ashes from Father Jason Barone, Charlotte Catholic High School chaplain. Also pictured are fellow sophomores Candice Habton and Laney McBride. (Photo provided by Joann S. Keane)
CHARLOTTE —Sophomore Jenai Johnson receives ashes from Father Jason Barone, Charlotte Catholic High School chaplain. Also pictured are fellow sophomores Candice Habton and Laney McBride. (Photo provided by Joann S. Keane)
FOREST CITY —Ash Wednesday was celebrated at Immaculate Conception Church with distribution of ashes at the 12:10 p.m. Mass and at the bilingual 7 p.m. Mass. (Giuliana Polinari Riley, correspondent)
FOREST CITY —Ash Wednesday was celebrated at Immaculate Conception Church with distribution of ashes at the 12:10 p.m. Mass and at the bilingual 7 p.m. Mass. (Giuliana Polinari Riley, correspondent)
FOREST CITY — Father Herbert Burke and Deacon Andy Cilone distributed ashes at Immaculate Conception Church. (Giuliana Polinari Riley, correspondent)
FOREST CITY — Father Herbert Burke and Deacon Andy Cilone distributed ashes at Immaculate Conception Church. (Giuliana Polinari Riley, correspondent)
Students and parishioners at Sacred Heart Parish and School also received ashes on Ash Wednesday. (Photo by Bill Washington, correspondent)
Students and parishioners at Sacred Heart Parish and School also received ashes on Ash Wednesday. (Photo by Bill Washington, correspondent)
CHARLOTTE — Bishop Peter Jugis and Father Christopher Roux celebrated Mass on Ash Wednesday at St. Patrick Cathedral. Students from St. Patrick School attended. (Photo by César Hurtado)
CHARLOTTE — Bishop Peter Jugis and Father Christopher Roux celebrated Mass on Ash Wednesday at St. Patrick Cathedral. Students from St. Patrick School attended. (Photo by César Hurtado)
CHARLOTTE — Bishop Peter Jugis and Father Christopher Roux celebrated Mass on Ash Wednesday at St. Patrick Cathedral. Students from St. Patrick School attended. (Photo by César Hurtado)
CHARLOTTE — Bishop Peter Jugis and Father Christopher Roux celebrated Mass on Ash Wednesday at St. Patrick Cathedral. Students from St. Patrick School attended. (Photo by César Hurtado)
CHARLOTTE — Bishop Peter Jugis and Father Christopher Roux celebrated Mass on Ash Wednesday at St. Patrick Cathedral. Students from St. Patrick School aCHARLOTTE — Bishop Peter Jugis and Father Christopher Roux celebrated Mass on Ash Wednesday at St. Patr
CHARLOTTE — Bishop Peter Jugis and Father Christopher Roux celebrated Mass on Ash Wednesday at St. Patrick Cathedral. Students from St. Patrick School aCHARLOTTE — Bishop Peter Jugis and Father Christopher Roux celebrated Mass on Ash Wednesday at St. Patr
CHARLOTTE — Father Frank O’Rourke, pastor, and Deacon Larry O’Toole distribute ashes at St. Gabriel Church in Charlotte March 6. (Photo by César Hurtado)
CHARLOTTE — Father Frank O’Rourke, pastor, and Deacon Larry O’Toole distribute ashes at St. Gabriel Church in Charlotte March 6. (Photo by César Hurtado)
CHARLOTTE — Father Frank O’Rourke, pastor, and Deacon Larry O’Toole distribute ashes at St. Gabriel Church in Charlotte March 6. (Photo by César Hurtado)
CHARLOTTE — Father Frank O’Rourke, pastor, and Deacon Larry O’Toole distribute ashes at St. Gabriel Church in Charlotte March 6. (Photo by César Hurtado)
HUNTERSVILLE — Parishioners at St Mark Church in Huntersville received ashes on Ash Wednesday during several liturgies, including this one led by Deacon Louis Pais and assisted by Deacon Ron Sherwood. (Photo provided by Amy Burger)
HUNTERSVILLE — Parishioners at St Mark Church in Huntersville received ashes on Ash Wednesday during several liturgies, including this one led by Deacon Louis Pais and assisted by Deacon Ron Sherwood. (Photo provided by Amy Burger)
Deacon Pais noted, “Ashes are a reminder that we are sinners and although we are called children of God. We are still children of this fallen world.” But, he added, “These ashes remind us that despite of our sins, our Heavenly Father still loves us.”
Deacon Pais noted, “Ashes are a reminder that we are sinners and although we are called children of God. We are still children of this fallen world.” But, he added, “These ashes remind us that despite of our sins, our Heavenly Father still loves us.”
Pictured is the traveling icon from the Knights of Columbus entitled “Our Lady Help of Persecuted Christians.” (Photo provided by Amy Burger)
Pictured is the traveling icon from the Knights of Columbus entitled “Our Lady Help of Persecuted Christians.” (Photo provided by Amy Burger)
CHARLOTTE — St. Ann Church and the Charlotte Latin Mass Community marked the beginning of Lent with a low Latin Mass.  In the Extraordinary Form, ashes are blessed and distributed immediately before Mass begins.  (Markus Kuncoro and Mike FitzGerald)
CHARLOTTE — St. Ann Church and the Charlotte Latin Mass Community marked the beginning of Lent with a low Latin Mass. In the Extraordinary Form, ashes are blessed and distributed immediately before Mass begins. (Markus Kuncoro and Mike FitzGerald)
KERNERSVILLE — Father Paul Dechant, OSFS, distributes ashes to parishioners at Holy Cross Church March 6. (Paul Doize, correspondent)
KERNERSVILLE — Father Paul Dechant, OSFS, distributes ashes to parishioners at Holy Cross Church March 6. (Paul Doize, correspondent)
TRYON — On Ash Wednesday at St. John the Baptist Church in Tryon, ashes were distributed during Mass at 8:30 a.m., noon and 6:30 p.m. Father Jason Christian imposing the ashes to the youngest parishioner in attendance. (Giuliana Polinari Riley)
TRYON — On Ash Wednesday at St. John the Baptist Church in Tryon, ashes were distributed during Mass at 8:30 a.m., noon and 6:30 p.m. Father Jason Christian imposing the ashes to the youngest parishioner in attendance. (Giuliana Polinari Riley)
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