Young parishioners in faith formation at St. Bernadette Church performed a Christmas play.

Young parishioners in faith formation at St. Bernadette Church performed a Christmas play.

Young parishioners in faith formation at St. Bernadette Church performed a Christmas play.

For Christmas week at St. Patrick School in Charlotte, it snowed" during carpool. Students, teachers, and even the principal dressed down in pajamas/tacky Christmas outfits, and the school watched the Christmas classic, The Polar Express, this afternoon i

For Christmas week at St. Patrick School in Charlotte, it snowed" during carpool. Students, teachers, and even the principal dressed down in pajamas/tacky Christmas outfits, and the school watched the Christmas classic, The Polar Express, this afternoon i

Each Our Lady of Mercy School in Winston-Salem fourth-grade student made a stained-glass nativity to celebrate Christmas.

Immaculate Heart of Mary School performed a Christmas Musical.

Immaculate Heart of Mary School performed a Christmas Musical.

Parents, faculty and students of St. Matthew School enjoyed the 3rd grade Christmas Cantata on Dec. 11.

All four 3rd grade classes participated in the musical production of the Birth of Jesus Christ. Excited parents smiled and snapped pictures of participants during the performance, as students performed dressed as shepherds, angels, Magi and animals.

Parents, faculty and students of St. Matthew School enjoyed the 3rd grade Christmas Cantata on Dec. 11.

Parents, faculty and students of St. Matthew School enjoyed the 3rd grade Christmas Cantata on Dec. 11.

Parents, faculty and students of St. Matthew School enjoyed the 3rd grade Christmas Cantata on Dec. 11.

Parents, faculty and students of St. Matthew School enjoyed the 3rd grade Christmas Cantata on Dec. 11. (Copy)

Moses, King David, and Jonah — all ancestors of Jesus — took the stage before the birth of Christ during the Immaculata School Christmas play. Virtually every student appeared in The Branch from Jesse’s Tree Monday at Hendersonville High School.

The play was written, directed, and artistically designed by friends of ICS.

Students at Immaculata School participated in a procession in honor of the Feast of the Immaculate Conception on Dec. 8, carrying a statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary on a prayerful route around the block and back to the school. (Photo provided by Jay Silt

On Dec. 10, Canongate students presented “O Antiphons: Lessons and Carols,” an original creation of director Jennifer Murrey, at St. Barnabas Church in Arden.

Our Lady of Grace School’s Pre-K and kindergarten classes worked on a variety of Christmas crafts.

Our Lady of Mercy School’s eighth-grade class recently led a singalong of their favorite Christmas carols.ols.(2)

St. Patrick Cathedral hosted its annual Concert of Sacred Music for Advent and Christmas Dec. 16. Directed by Gianfranco De Luca, the concert featured performances by the Cathedral Choir, Children’s Choir, and High School Choir.