STATESVILLE — St. Philip the Apostle Church presented the Jewell Award to three parishioners Nov. 12: Frank Bollero, Deacon Charles Brantley and his wife Mickey Brantley. This award recognizes members’ dedication and selfless giving to the parish community.
Bollero is the founder and past director of the parish’s food closet. He has also served as a parish greeter and usher, parish council member and Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion, and he is a member of the Knights of Columbus. Deacon and Mickey Brantley joined the parish more than 50 years ago.
They have been very involved with Cursillo as well as the Charismatic Prayer Group, and they served as co-chairmen for RCIA at the parish. Ordained in 1988, Deacon Brantley also served as parish council chairman and grand knight of the local Knights of Columbus council. Mrs. Brantley continues to take Communion to the homebound of the parish.
Pictured (from left) are: Audrey Bollero, Frank Bollero, Mickey Brantley, Deacon Charles Brantley, and Father Thomas J. Kessler, pastor.
— Connie Ries