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Catholic News Herald

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Running for the Eucharist

082324 runners 2CHARLOTTE — Local athlete Jimmy Coleman, who raises awareness of the Eucharist through his love of ultramarathons, is running to the Charlotte Eucharistic Congress on Friday. And he’s inviting other runners to join him.

Coleman, a St. Matthew parishioner who founded an Adoration Run Club and organizes what he calls “Adoration Ultras,” will lead runners through Uptown Charlotte to the Convention Center in time for the start of the Youth & Young Adult Night.

He sees it as a way to demonstrate devotion to the Eucharist.

“It’s such an honor to be involved with this important, long-running event,” Coleman says. “I hope to stir up even more fervor for the Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist – not only through this run club event at our annual diocesan family reunion, but also by sharing the truths I learned during my reversion to the Catholic faith.”

Runners can choose a slow 1.3-mile run into the Charlotte Convention Center from St. Patrick Cathedral, after a Holy Hour there at 5 p.m., or go for longer distances – with everyone coming together for a big entrance into the convention center at the start of the Friday night program at approximately 6:30 p.m.

Want to run for longer distances? Meet up at St. Matthew Church in Charlotte at 2 p.m. for a 13-mile half marathon, or if a 5K is more your speed, meet at St. Ann Church at 4 p.m.

All runners must be at least 18 years old and are asked to wear a red T-shirt. Sign up at adorationultra.com.

The young husband and father developed a framework for ultramarathons that go from church to church for Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament – all to raise awareness of the Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist. He ran his first Adoration Ultra in January and did another Adoration Run this summer in connection with the National Eucharistic Congress.

For his first Adoration Ultra, Coleman carried a flag emblazoned with “Eat my flesh” and “Drink my blood” (Jn 6:54-56) and ran more than 50 miles to five Charlotte-area churches, drawing significant attention in the process.

Other Catholic runners saw Catholic News Herald and national media coverage of Coleman’s feat and started reaching out to him to learn how he did it. Together, they coordinated hometown Adoration Runs this summer, leading up to the National Eucharistic Congress in Indianapolis July 17-21.

Runners such as newly ordained Father Matthew Harrison, Clement Akerblom, Mike Rogan and Thor Rasmussen participated. Locations included Charlotte, Cincinnati, and Saginaw, Michigan, among others. Athlete Tim Cory ran in Indianapolis during the national event.

Coleman will also share his conversion story with young people during the Youth and Young Adult Night, and with others during the Middle/High School Track on Saturday.

— Annie Ferguson

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