CHARLOTTE — Bishop Michael Martin, OFM Conv., has accepted Monsignor Roger K. Arnsparger’s request to retire from his position as the diocese’s Vicar of Education for Catechetical Formation, which oversees a broad variety of religious education programs as well as the Eucharistic Congress.
ArnspargerMonsignor Arnsparger remains pastor and rector of St. Lawrence Basilica in Asheville, as the 115-year-old national landmark begins a $25 million restoration project.
His duties as vicar will be absorbed into the diocese’s Office of Catechetical Formation, with Director Chris Beal serving as interim director of the augmented department as Bishop Martin continues to study diocesan personnel and operations.
Bishop Martin thanked Monsignor Arnsparger for his leadership of the vicariate’s wide-ranging responsibilities, which include supervising Campus Ministry and Youth Ministry, as well as overseeing catechist training and the annual diocesan catechetical conference. He has also overseen the Bishop’s Youth Pilgrimage and Totus Tuus summer faith formation program, diocesan youth retreats, and Campus Ministry service projects.
Monsignor Arnsparger also chaired the organizing committee of the diocese’s Eucharistic Congress since the event was established two decades ago. The annual event each September regularly draws some 10,000 people to the Charlotte Convention Center and includes one of the nation’s largest Eucharistic processions.
“We are grateful for the leadership and devotion of Monsignor Arnsparger in roles beyond his service as pastor of the vibrant St. Lawrence Parish and its extraordinary basilica,” Bishop Martin said. “One of our most important responsibilities as Catholics is how we share and teach the faith to others – and Monsignor Arnsparger has created a solid foundation for us to build upon as we form disciples of Christ. He has certainly earned the special title of monsignor, recently bestowed by Pope Francis.”
Monsignor Arnsparger’s priesthood spans 47 years – 25 of them as a priest of the Diocese of Charlotte. He turns 75 in January, the age at which Church law requires priests to submit their resignation from offices to their bishop, who, depending on the needs of the diocese, may accept them or ask a priest to stay on.
“I am grateful for my time as vicar of education because it gave me a chance to work with so many people on a range of projects across our diocese,” Monsignor Arnsparger said. “I also really enjoy working as a parish priest, which I have done for my entire priesthood, even when teaching high school full time. I enjoy offering Holy Mass and the sacraments and teaching, being there for confession – and just being there with people.”
He predicts great success for Chris Beal in his oversight on catechetical formation, jovially calling him “one of the best hires I ever made.”
“Chris will do a great job and has already been doing much of this work,” Monsignor Arnsparger said. “He is a devoted Catholic husband, father, teacher and formator of people in the spiritual life. He has had a great impact on our Faith Formation endeavors and has enhanced the Catholic lives of so many people.”
— Catholic News Herald