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Catholic News Herald

Serving Christ and Connecting Catholics in Western North Carolina
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CHARLOTTE — Ash Wednesday marks the start of the penitential season of Lent. It is a day of fasting, abstinence and prayer as we begin to prepare our hearts and minds for the next 40 days.

Though Ash Wednesday is not a holy day of obligation, the faithful are highly encouraged to attend Mass and receive ashes. During Mass, ashes are marked on the foreheads of the faithful with the Sign of the Cross.


Why ashes?

 Ashes are a symbol of penance and remind us that we are creatures of the earth and mortal beings, as scripture tells us, “For you are dust, and to dust you shall return” (Gen 3:19).
The priest marks the foreheads of the faithful with the ashes, making a cross while saying, “Remember, man, you are dust and to dust you will return” or “Repent and believe in the Gospel.”

Lent is a time to remember our fragile humanity, to remember that we are sinners in need of our Savior. Through prayer, fasting and almsgiving, we strive to confront the stark truths of our hearts and draw closer to Christ Jesus.

A history of ashes

The custom of using ashes as a sign of repentance is seen in scripture in the Books of Jeremiah, Daniel and Jonah of the Old Testament. In the Book of Judith, acts of repentance involved ashes being put on people’s heads: “All the Israelites in Jerusalem, including women and children, lay prostrate in front of the Temple, and with ashes on their heads stretched out their hands before the Lord” (Jdt 4:1).
The practice within the Church originated from a custom involving those who had committed serious sins. In the ancient Church, penitents expressed their humiliation by appearing in sackcloth and ashes.

The early Church continued the use of ashes for the same symbolic reasons.


Preparation for Great Light

When we begin the holy season of Lent in preparation for Easter, we must remember the significance of the ashes we have received:

We mourn and do penance for our sins. We again convert our hearts to the Lord, who suffered, died and rose for our salvation. We renew the promises made at our baptism, when we died to an old life and rose to a new life with Christ. Finally, mindful that the kingdom of this world passes away, we strive to live the kingdom of God now and look forward to its fulfillment in heaven.

For as St. John of the Cross wrote, “The endurance of darkness is the preparation for great light.”

— Catholic News Herald. www.catholicstraightanswers and www.catholic.org. Photos by Amy Burger, Lisa Geraci, Patricia L. Guilfoyle, Troy C. Hull, Cesar Hurtado, Kevin Eagan, Christina L. Knauss, Trish M. Stukbauer and provided.

Read this: Hope in the cross: A Lenten experience

Students at St. Michael School in Gastonia receive ashes for the start of Lent.
Students at St. Michael School in Gastonia receive ashes for the start of Lent.
Students at St. Michael School in Gastonia receive ashes for the start of Lent.
Students at St. Michael School in Gastonia receive ashes for the start of Lent.
Students at St. Michael School in Gastonia receive ashes for the start of Lent.
Students at St. Michael School in Gastonia receive ashes for the start of Lent.
Students at St. Patrick School in Charlotte mark the start of Lent with Ash Wednesday with a school Mass at St. Patrick Cathedral.
Students at St. Patrick School in Charlotte mark the start of Lent with Ash Wednesday with a school Mass at St. Patrick Cathedral.
Students at St. Patrick School in Charlotte mark the start of Lent with Ash Wednesday with a school Mass at St. Patrick Cathedral.
Students at St. Patrick School in Charlotte mark the start of Lent with Ash Wednesday with a school Mass at St. Patrick Cathedral.
Parishioners at St. Joseph Vietnamese Church in Charlotte celebrate Ash Wednesday with Mass.
Parishioners at St. Joseph Vietnamese Church in Charlotte celebrate Ash Wednesday with Mass.
Parishioners at St. Joseph Vietnamese Church in Charlotte celebrate Ash Wednesday with Mass.
Parishioners at St. Joseph Vietnamese Church in Charlotte celebrate Ash Wednesday with Mass.
Parishioners at St. Joseph Vietnamese Church in Charlotte celebrate Ash Wednesday with Mass.
Parishioners at St. Joseph Vietnamese Church in Charlotte celebrate Ash Wednesday with Mass.
Students at St. Patrick School in Charlotte mark the start of Lent with Ash Wednesday with a school Mass at St. Patrick Cathedral.
Students at St. Patrick School in Charlotte mark the start of Lent with Ash Wednesday with a school Mass at St. Patrick Cathedral.
People receive ashes for the start of Lent at St. Peter Church in Charlotte.
People receive ashes for the start of Lent at St. Peter Church in Charlotte.
Parishioners at St. Joseph Vietnamese Church in Charlotte celebrate Ash Wednesday with Mass.
Parishioners at St. Joseph Vietnamese Church in Charlotte celebrate Ash Wednesday with Mass.
People receive ashes for the start of Lent at St. Peter Church in Charlotte.
People receive ashes for the start of Lent at St. Peter Church in Charlotte.
People receive ashes for the start of Lent at St. Peter Church in Charlotte.
People receive ashes for the start of Lent at St. Peter Church in Charlotte.
People receive ashes for the start of Lent at St. Peter Church in Charlotte.
People receive ashes for the start of Lent at St. Peter Church in Charlotte.
People receive ashes for the start of Lent at St. Peter Church in Charlotte.
People receive ashes for the start of Lent at St. Peter Church in Charlotte.
Students at Asheville Catholic School receive ashes for the start of Lent.
Students at Asheville Catholic School receive ashes for the start of Lent.
Students at Asheville Catholic School receive ashes for the start of Lent.
Students at Asheville Catholic School receive ashes for the start of Lent.
Students at Asheville Catholic School receive ashes for the start of Lent.
Students at Asheville Catholic School receive ashes for the start of Lent.
St. Therese in Mooresville had five Masses on Ash Wednesday in addition to visiting a number of nursing homes, homebound parishioners and the preschool.  They expected the total number of parishioners and visitors receiving ashes to be in the thousands.
St. Therese in Mooresville had five Masses on Ash Wednesday in addition to visiting a number of nursing homes, homebound parishioners and the preschool. They expected the total number of parishioners and visitors receiving ashes to be in the thousands.
Father Huver E. Navarro Vigo greets parishioners after the 9 a.m. Mass at St. Therese in Mooresville.
Father Huver E. Navarro Vigo greets parishioners after the 9 a.m. Mass at St. Therese in Mooresville.
Students at Asheville Catholic School receive ashes for the start of Lent.
Students at Asheville Catholic School receive ashes for the start of Lent.
Students at St. Matthew School in Charlotte receive ashes for the start of Lent.
Students at St. Matthew School in Charlotte receive ashes for the start of Lent.
Students at St. Matthew School in Charlotte receive ashes for the start of Lent.
Students at St. Matthew School in Charlotte receive ashes for the start of Lent.
Students at St. Matthew School in Charlotte receive ashes for the start of Lent.
Students at St. Matthew School in Charlotte receive ashes for the start of Lent.
Students at St. Matthew School in Charlotte receive ashes for the start of Lent.
Students at St. Matthew School in Charlotte receive ashes for the start of Lent.
All ages attended the school Mass the 9 a.m. on Ash Wednesday at Immaculate Conception Church in Hendersonville to mark the beginning of the Lenten Season for the Catholic faithful.
All ages attended the school Mass the 9 a.m. on Ash Wednesday at Immaculate Conception Church in Hendersonville to mark the beginning of the Lenten Season for the Catholic faithful.
All ages attended the school Mass the 9 a.m. on Ash Wednesday at Immaculate Conception Church in Hendersonville to mark the beginning of the Lenten Season for the Catholic faithful.
All ages attended the school Mass the 9 a.m. on Ash Wednesday at Immaculate Conception Church in Hendersonville to mark the beginning of the Lenten Season for the Catholic faithful.
Some Immaculata Catholic School students and staff showed off their ashes following Mass.
Some Immaculata Catholic School students and staff showed off their ashes following Mass.
Father John Putnam celebrated a Liturgy of the Word and Ashes service for St. Mark School preschool students.
Father John Putnam celebrated a Liturgy of the Word and Ashes service for St. Mark School preschool students.
Father John Putnam celebrated a Liturgy of the Word and Ashes service for St. Mark School preschool students.
Father John Putnam celebrated a Liturgy of the Word and Ashes service for St. Mark School preschool students.
Father John Putnam celebrated a Liturgy of the Word and Ashes service for St. Mark School preschool students.
Father John Putnam celebrated a Liturgy of the Word and Ashes service for St. Mark School preschool students.
Father John Putnam celebrated a Liturgy of the Word and Ashes service for St. Mark School preschool students.
Father John Putnam celebrated a Liturgy of the Word and Ashes service for St. Mark School preschool students.
Father Patrick reminded students at Immaculate Heart of Mary in High Point of the three things we will be focusing on for the next 40 days: prayer, fasting, and almsgiving.
Father Patrick reminded students at Immaculate Heart of Mary in High Point of the three things we will be focusing on for the next 40 days: prayer, fasting, and almsgiving.
Father Patrick reminded students at Immaculate Heart of Mary in High Point of the three things we will be focusing on for the next 40 days: prayer, fasting, and almsgiving.
Father Patrick reminded students at Immaculate Heart of Mary in High Point of the three things we will be focusing on for the next 40 days: prayer, fasting, and almsgiving.
Sacred Heart School students in Salisbury receive ashes for the start of Lent.
Sacred Heart School students in Salisbury receive ashes for the start of Lent.
Sacred Heart School students in Salisbury receive ashes for the start of Lent.
Sacred Heart School students in Salisbury receive ashes for the start of Lent.
Father Darren Balkey presided over the Ash Wednesday children’s Mass at St. Matthew School in Charlotte.
Father Darren Balkey presided over the Ash Wednesday children’s Mass at St. Matthew School in Charlotte.
For Catholics around the world, Father Darren Balkey thinks Ash Wednesday is one of the most powerful rituals.
For Catholics around the world, Father Darren Balkey thinks Ash Wednesday is one of the most powerful rituals.
“People always remember getting ashes from very early in their childhood, so a lot of times it brings Catholics back to their faith. The reminder of our mortality is not something dark but realistic. It gives people hope,” Father Balkey explains.
“People always remember getting ashes from very early in their childhood, so a lot of times it brings Catholics back to their faith. The reminder of our mortality is not something dark but realistic. It gives people hope,” Father Balkey explains.
“They want to know in this busy world that they can reflect on the fact that this life will end and there is a better life ahead with Christ. That’s why it is crowded.”
“They want to know in this busy world that they can reflect on the fact that this life will end and there is a better life ahead with Christ. That’s why it is crowded.”
Ash Wednesday services were held at Holy Cross Church in Kernersville.
Ash Wednesday services were held at Holy Cross Church in Kernersville.
Ash Wednesday services were held at Holy Cross Church in Kernersville.
Ash Wednesday services were held at Holy Cross Church in Kernersville.
Ash Wednesday Mass at Our Lady of the Assumption Church in Charlotte.
Ash Wednesday Mass at Our Lady of the Assumption Church in Charlotte.
Ash Wednesday Mass at Our Lady of the Assumption Church in Charlotte.
Ash Wednesday Mass at Our Lady of the Assumption Church in Charlotte.
Ash Wednesday Mass at Our Lady of the Assumption Church in Charlotte.
Ash Wednesday Mass at Our Lady of the Assumption Church in Charlotte.
Ash Wednesday Mass at Our Lady of the Assumption Church in Charlotte.
Ash Wednesday Mass at Our Lady of the Assumption Church in Charlotte.
Ash Wednesday Mass at Our Lady of Guadalupe Church in Charlotte.
Ash Wednesday Mass at Our Lady of Guadalupe Church in Charlotte.
At St. Francis of Assisi in Lenior, parishioners mark the start of Lent.
At St. Francis of Assisi in Lenior, parishioners mark the start of Lent.
Bishop McGuinness High School starts mark the start of Lent.
Bishop McGuinness High School starts mark the start of Lent.
Bishop McGuinness High School starts mark the start of Lent.
Bishop McGuinness High School starts mark the start of Lent.
Marking the start of Lent at Immaculate Conception Church in Forest City.
Marking the start of Lent at Immaculate Conception Church in Forest City.
Marking the start of Lent at Immaculate Conception Church in Forest City.
Marking the start of Lent at Immaculate Conception Church in Forest City.
Ash Wednesday Mass at Divine Redeemer Church in Booneville.
Ash Wednesday Mass at Divine Redeemer Church in Booneville.
Ash Wednesday Mass at Divine Redeemer Church in Booneville.
Ash Wednesday Mass at Divine Redeemer Church in Booneville.
Parishioners at St. Phillip Apostle in Statesville mark the start of Lent.
Parishioners at St. Phillip Apostle in Statesville mark the start of Lent.
People receive ashes for the start of Lent at St. Therese Church in Mooresville.
People receive ashes for the start of Lent at St. Therese Church in Mooresville.
People receive ashes for the start of Lent at St. Gabriel Church in Charlotte.
People receive ashes for the start of Lent at St. Gabriel Church in Charlotte.
People receive ashes for the start of Lent at St. Gabriel Church in Charlotte.
People receive ashes for the start of Lent at St. Gabriel Church in Charlotte.
A St. Mark School student recieves ashes on Ash Wednesday.
A St. Mark School student recieves ashes on Ash Wednesday.
Western Carolina University Catholic Campus Ministry members were out on the campus lawn administering blessed ashes to dozens of students on Ash Wednesday.
Western Carolina University Catholic Campus Ministry members were out on the campus lawn administering blessed ashes to dozens of students on Ash Wednesday.
Western Carolina University Catholic Campus Ministry members were out on the campus lawn administering blessed ashes to dozens of students on Ash Wednesday.
Western Carolina University Catholic Campus Ministry members were out on the campus lawn administering blessed ashes to dozens of students on Ash Wednesday.
Ash Wednesday Mass at St. Joseph Church in Kannapolis.
Ash Wednesday Mass at St. Joseph Church in Kannapolis.
Ash Wednesday Mass at St. Mary Church in Greensboro.
Ash Wednesday Mass at St. Mary Church in Greensboro.
Ash Wednesday Mass at St. Mary Church in Greensboro.
Ash Wednesday Mass at St. Mary Church in Greensboro.
Ash Wednesday Mass at Our Lady of the Angels in Marion.
Ash Wednesday Mass at Our Lady of the Angels in Marion.
Faithful at St. Mary Margaret Church in Swannanoa attend Mass on Ash Wednesday.
Faithful at St. Mary Margaret Church in Swannanoa attend Mass on Ash Wednesday.
Faithful at St. Mary Margaret Church in Swannanoa attend Mass on Ash Wednesday.
Faithful at St. Mary Margaret Church in Swannanoa attend Mass on Ash Wednesday.
Father Christian Cook receives and distributes ashes on Ash Wednesday at St. Pius X Church in Greensboro.
Father Christian Cook receives and distributes ashes on Ash Wednesday at St. Pius X Church in Greensboro.
Father Christian Cook receives and distributes ashes on Ash Wednesday at St. Pius X Church in Greensboro.
Father Christian Cook receives and distributes ashes on Ash Wednesday at St. Pius X Church in Greensboro.