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Catholic News Herald

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060418 ordainCHARLOTTE — Called. Chosen. Loved by God.

These were the words Bishop Peter Jugis used to describe the two men who came before him to be ordained to the transitional diaconate June 2 at St. Patrick Cathedral.

Alfonso Gamez and Britt Taylor became the Diocese of Charlotte’s newest deacons and took the next step on their journey to the priesthood during the two-hour, standing-room-only Mass.

Father Christopher Gober, diocesan vocations director, attested to the preparedness of the two men, who were called to stand before Bishop Jugis at the steps of the altar during the start of the ordination rite.

“This rite of ordination has its ancient origins in the apostles themselves,” Bishop Jugis said during his homily. “In this ordination today of our brothers Britt Taylor and Alfonso Gamez to the diaconate, we follow the same process of discernment the apostles followed for the first seven men to serve in diaconal ministry.”

Bishop Jugis noted that as the Gospel passage from the Acts of the Apostles (6:1-7b) proclaimed, first inquiries were made among the Christian faithful for worthy candidates: “The apostles called together the community of the disciples and said, ‘Brothers, select from among you seven reputable men, filled with the Spirit and wisdom, whom we shall appoint to this task...’”

“And so we have done the same,” Bishop Jugis said.

“Father Gober just stated that we also have inquired among the community of the disciples, the Catholic faithful, and have received the recommendation of those responsible for their formation, that these two men have been found worthy of receiving this ministry.”

The reading from Acts reports that the community of disciples presented these men to the apostles, who prayed and laid hands on them.

“And so we have done the same,” Bishop Jugis continued. “The community of the disciples has presented these men to a successor of the apostles with the words, ‘Holy Mother Church asks you to ordain these men, our brothers, to the responsibility of the diaconate.’ And thus the Holy Spirit continues His good work in our day from the time of the apostles to the present.”

Bishop Jugis then addressed the two candidates.

“Alfonso and Britt, this ordination is possible because of the divine call you began to receive years ago. The Lord began giving you special graces, thus manifesting His love for you in a very special way. What He once said to the apostles is true also for you. ‘It is not you who have chosen me, but I who have chosen you. I have chosen you,’ He says.”

The bishop reminded Gamez and Taylor that just as the first seven men to serve as deacons were chosen among all the other disciples, “so also you have been chosen by the Lord from among many brothers and sisters of the Church to be the ones imprinted with the special character of holy orders – which configures you to Christ the Servant, who came not to be served but to serve.”

“The Lord makes it abundantly clear that this is His initiative: His free choice of you for this ministry.”

He then spoke to them about the responsibilities they will assume in their new roles as deacons.

“In this order of deacons into which you will be now ordained by the action of the Holy Spirit, you will assist me and the priests at the ministry of the Word, ministry of the Altar and in the ministry of Charity.

“It is a ministry of service,” he told them. “You are now to be given your part in the ministry of salvation that Jesus commissioned His Church to do until the end of time.”

The two deacons will now be able to proclaim the Gospel at Mass, preach at the invitation of the priest, prepare the altar for the sacrifice of the Eucharist, distribute the Lord’s Body and Blood to the faithful, administer baptisms, officiate at marriages, bring Viaticum to the dying, conduct funeral rites, instruct believers and nonbelievers in Church doctrine, preside over public prayer and perform works of charity.

“This ministry of service means being humble, being obedient and being available to assist the priest in his ministry,” the bishop said.

After the homily, Gamez and Taylor stood before the bishop and publicly affirmed their intentions to serve him and the Church. Then they prostrated themselves before the altar, as Bishop Jugis knelt in prayer with them and the faithful and chanted the Litany of Supplication (also known as the Litany of the Saints).

Gamez and Taylor then arose and, one by one, approached the bishop. He laid hands on each man’s head and prayed the prayer of ordination over them, thus consecrating them as deacons.

The newly-ordained deacons were then vested with a stole, a sign of the deacon’s office of service, and the dalmatic, the outer garment used in the liturgy. Deacon Alfonso Gamez was vested by Father Paul McNulty and Deacon Britt Taylor was vested by Father Brian Becker.

The newly-vested deacons then again approached the sanctuary one by one, receiving the Book of the Gospels from Bishop Jugis and a fraternal kiss of peace to welcome them to their new role in the Church.

More than 25 priests and 20 deacons participated at the Mass and were on hand to congratulate the new deacons.

“You have been loved by Christ, loved by God for this sacred order. And God willing, and only by His choice of you, may you also arrive at ordination to the priesthood,” Bishop Jugis told the new deacons.

— SueAnn Howell, senior reporter

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