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Catholic News Herald

Serving Christ and Connecting Catholics in Western North Carolina
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120619 fr sutter Bishop Jugis and Father Sutter are pictured with retired pastor, Father Frank O’Rourke, and parochial vicar Father Gabriel Carvajal-Salazar. (Photos by Patricia L. Guilfoyle | Catholic News Herald)CHARLOTTE — Father Richard Sutter was installed by Bishop Peter Jugis as the new pastor of St. Gabriel Church Nov. 24, succeeding the retiring Father Frank O’Rourke. Father Richard, as he would like to be called, recently shared some insights about his priorities as a pastor and those who helped him become the priest he is today.

CNH: What are your top priorities coming in as pastor of one of the diocese’s largest parishes?

Father Richard: My top three priorities are:

1. Be Joyful: The source of this joy is Jesus (John 15:11-12). I must be a priest who is joyful drawing strength from my prayer and sacramental life. I cannot give what I don’t have!

2. Be Available: I sense the call to go out to the people... in the words of Pope Francis, I am called to “smell like the sheep.”

3. Be Approachable: People do not care how much you know until they know how much you care. A priest cannot fake a real concern for others – the youth especially can pick up on inauthenticity. Jesus was approachable, and I wish to imitate Him in my priestly ministry.

If I am able to stick with these priorities, the Holy Spirit will do the rest. It is so important to listen to the Holy Spirit and observe the 12 fruits of the Holy Spirit manifested daily in the lives of the amazing staff and parishioners here at St Gabriel Church. In the end, these words of Jesus echo in my heart daily: “It was not you who chose me, but I who chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit that will remain.” (John 15:16)

CNH: Of the three roles a pastor has – teaching, sanctifying and leading – which one are you most enthused about, and why?

Father Richard: I remember my second weekend of Masses in Waynesville at St. John the Evangelist Parish a little over 16 months ago. One parishioner said in a loud voice for all to hear: “Father, are you our new pastor?” I looked at her and smiled, then I said: “Ma’am, you will tell me in about two weeks.”

Being a pastor is an appointment and an honor, but the title of pastor or shepherd is earned, not given. Before one can fully teach, sanctify and lead, a priest modeling Jesus Christ, must first reach those he is sent to serve. Jesus Christ is our model. Jesus Christ was all about the lost. Jesus Christ went out and sought to reach people. Through reaching people where they are, I hope to be a more effective instrument of the Holy Spirit, who ultimately in the end, through me, will teach, sanctify and lead the souls He loves so very much and sent me to serve.

CNH: What pastors over the years have inspired you or given you insight as role models?

Father Richard: Two priests, one religious and one diocesan, have been great examples for me: Benedictine Abbot Placid Solari from Belmont Abbey and Monsignor Paul Reynolds, my pastor at St. Andrew’s Church in Roswell, Ga. I’ve known them both since my teenage years and they were true pastors to me.

I’ll never forget the words of Abbot Placid to me in the spring of 1999 when I decided to follow this call to the priesthood: “Richard, ever since I met you, I’ve prayed for you daily, that you will discover God’s will in your life and follow it – whatever your call may be.” He helped me so much in finding my call in freedom and joy. Monsignor Reynolds was the pastor who knew my name as a high school teenager and had a sincere interest in me. He was a pastor focused on evangelizing with joy versus fixing with guilt. He reflected Jesus to me.

Abbot Placid was at my side when I was ordained a transitional deacon at Mary Help of Christians Basilica in May 2009, and Monsignor Reynolds, the year before he passed away from leukemia, was at my side for my priestly ordination and first Mass in Rome in December 2009. They model Galatians 2:20.
— Catholic News Herald. Photos by Patricia L. Guilfoyle and provided by St. Gabriel Church Facebook page


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