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Catholic News Herald

Serving Christ and Connecting Catholics in Western North Carolina
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102315-olg-dedicates-hallGREENSBORO — Our Lady of Grace Church in Greensboro blessed and rededicated a new Parish Life Center and the Kathleen Price Bryan Hall Sunday, Oct. 4. The event marked the conclusion of more than six years of planning, construction and remodeling, noted Father Eric Kowalski, pastor.

"What you see today, in a new and unified school building next door, and a total remodeling of this building into parish office spaces, meeting rooms, and this exquisite banquet hall and terrace is the direct result of that planning and vision," Father Kowalski remarked at the rededication ceremony.

"This was part of a campus-wide $4.5 million capital campaign, which included a new school building and the relocation of parish offices to the third floor of the Parish Life Center. The second floor houses meeting rooms and conference room with the lower floor a banquet hall," parish business manager MaryAnn DiPaola said.

During the rededication ceremony, Father Kowalski expressed special gratitude to all the members who formed the parish's committees and sub-committees, and all those who volunteered during the lengthy construction process.

Father Kowalski also offered special thanks to "those longtime dedicated parishioners who six years ago helped then-pastor Father Fidel Melo lead the process of our entire family as it evaluated the future needs of the parish and formulated a parish plan to meet those needs in the future."

Noting that "a plan and a vision doesn't happen without dedication and financial support," Father Kowalski offered special words of thanks to parishioners John Englar, Don Brady, Ken Kemp and Joseph Bryan Jr. for their vision and generous financial support throughout the project.

The Kathleen Price Bryan Hall is located on the lower floor of the Parish Life Center. Joseph Bryan Jr., the son of Kathleen Price Bryan, donated the funds for renovation of the hall, kitchen and terrace.

"This was a historic moment for our parish. It has allowed us to close a six-and-a-half year chapter. At the same time, it has allowed us to open a new chapter for Our Lady Grace Parish and position ourselves to meet the needs of our parish and the community in general moving forward," Father Kowalski said.

— Rico De Silva, Hispanic Communications Reporter