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Catholic News Herald

Serving Christ and Connecting Catholics in Western North Carolina
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040524 Holy Family AwardCLEMMONS — Long-time Holy Family parishioner Dick Foley has been awarded the second annual St. Teresa of Calcutta Award in recognition of his charitable work, dedication to meeting the needs of the parish and its members, his faith, and his heart of a servant.

The award is named in honor of the charitable service of St. Teresa and awarded to those parishioners who give of their time and energy with selfless dedication.

Foley, along with his wife Mary Ellen and their family, joined Holy Family Parish in 1992 and have continuously served the needs of the community.

For many years he has served Holy Family and St. Leo parishes as a Tribunal Advocate, assisting people with applications for marriage annulments. He meets two or three times per week with parishioners leading them through the process that requires attention to detail, a strong faith, and much patience.

In his earlier years, Foley was a leader of Holy Family’s Charismatic Prayer Group. Five years ago, he initiated the Flame of Love Cenacle program in which parishioners meet to pray for people in the parish and in the world. With his persistence and faith, the group has continued to grow and now has 45 members who meet each Monday night.

An attendee of daily Mass, Eucharistic Adoration, and First Saturday morning Mass, Foley is also a lector, extraordinary minister of Holy Communion, and a member of the Knights of Columbus.

— Catholic News Herald