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Catholic News Herald

Serving Christ and Connecting Catholics in Western North Carolina
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CINCINNATI, Ohio — Four Charlotte seminarians studying at Mount St. Mary’s Seminary have been instituted as lectors, part of their ongoing formation towards the priesthood.

Cincinnati Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr conferred the ministry during a special Mass March 16.

The seminarians are: James Johnson IV (Our Lady of Consolation, Charlotte); Patrick Martin and Connor White (St. Mark, Huntersville), Bailey Van Nosdall (St. Ann, Charlotte).

They were among 11 seminarians instituted as lectors at the Mass. Others included five from the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, one from the Diocese of Columbus and another from the Archdiocese of Lousiville.

The ministry of lector is one of three important steps toward the priesthood: candidacy, acolyte and lector. The lector may deliver the readings at Mass, except proclaim the Gospel. He may also announce the intentions during the Prayers of the Faithful and, in the absence of a psalmist, recite the Responsorial Psalm. He may also recite the entrance and communion antiphons when they are not sung.

This installation typically occurs after a man has completed his first year of Theology.

— Photos provided by Mount St. Mary's Seminary

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