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Catholic News Herald

Serving Christ and Connecting Catholics in Western North Carolina
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HUNTERSVILLE — A spectacular laser light show was the highlight of Septemberfest, a celebration at St. Mark Church Sept. 23. The parish marked its 25th anniversary as well as the 50th anniversary of the diocese with Mass, games, food and music.

Hundreds of St. Mark parishioners joined their pastor, Father John Putnam, to gaze upon the bell tower and façade of the church after sunset to see the unique 3-D laser projection produced by Highland Media-works of Asheville.

The augmented reality, 3-D projection mapping is a digital art form using video projectors to cast customized images onto a target sculpture.

During the laser light show, the Diocese of Charlotte’s 50th anniversary logo, timelapse photos of St. Mark’s construction in 2009, and several of its stained-glass windows that grace the nave were projected on the bell tower.

— SueAnn Howell. Photos by Amy Burger.

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