DENVER — Holy Spirit Church’s Youth Ministry teens performed live Stations of the Cross four times during Lent, including this one from April 7, for the children and parishioners of the parish.

DENVER —They moved from the back to the front of the church as each station was read by another teen. (Photos by Doreen Sugierski | Catholic News Herald)

FOREST CITY — Father Herbert Burke, pastor, and Deacon Andy Cilone lead parishioners of Immaculate Conception Church in praying the Stations of the Cross March 3. Also pictured are cross bearer Maximilian Delaughter and altar server Nicholas Delaughter. (

SHELBY — Parishioners at St. Mary, Help of Christians Church prayed the Stations of the Cross in Spanish each Friday during Lent, led by Father Michael Kottar, pastor. Also pictured is cross bearer Cesareo Chavez-Guerrero. (Photo by Giuliana Riley | Catho

HUNTERSVILLE — Children at St. Mark Church pray the Stations of the Cross, led by Deacon Ron Sherwood. (Photo provided by Amy Burger)

SYLVA — The 25 members of the Theotokos Youth Ministry at St. Mary, Mother of God Church presented a live, bilingual Way of the Cross March 24.

SYLVA —The meditations were adapted from Mother Angelica’s Way of the Cross and the Stabat Mater was a translation by Edward Caswall, “Lyra Catholica.”

SYLVA —The youth group’s special presentation was under the direction of Sara Freeman, parish catechetical program leader, and Della Sue Bryson. (Photo provided by Scott Freeman and Della Sue Bryson | Catholic News Herald)