• Kip Arrowood receives ashes at Immaculate Conception Church in Forest City. (Photo by Giuliana Riley, correspondent)

• Charlotte Catholic High School's chaplain, Father Jason Barone, places ashes on the forehead of senior Hannah Daly following a school-wide Lenten Mass Feb. 14. (Photo provided by Joann S. Keane)

CHARLOTTE — Parishioners of St. Patrick Cathedral and students at St. Patrick School receive ashes from Bishop Peter Jugis during Mass on Ash Wednesday. (Patricia Guilfoyle, Catholic News Herald)

CHARLOTTE — Parishioners of St. Patrick Cathedral and students at St. Patrick School receive ashes from Bishop Peter Jugis during Mass on Ash Wednesday. (Patricia Guilfoyle, Catholic News Herald)

CHARLOTTE — Parishioners of St. Patrick Cathedral and students at St. Patrick School receive ashes from Bishop Peter Jugis during Mass on Ash Wednesday. (Patricia Guilfoyle, Catholic News Herald)

CHARLOTTE — Parishioners of St. Patrick Cathedral and students at St. Patrick School receive ashes from Bishop Peter Jugis during an 8:30 a.m. Mass on Ash Wednesday. (John Cosmas, Catholic News Herald)

CHARLOTTE — Parishioners of St. Patrick Cathedral and students at St. Patrick School receive ashes from Bishop Peter Jugis during an 8:30 a.m. Mass on Ash Wednesday. (John Cosmas, Catholic News Herald)

CHARLOTTE — Parishioners of St. Patrick Cathedral and students at St. Patrick School receive ashes from Bishop Peter Jugis during an 8:30 a.m. Mass on Ash Wednesday. (John Cosmas, Catholic News Herald)

SALISBURY— Students at Sacred Heart School receive ashes during Mass on Ash Wednesday morning at Sacred Heart Church. (Bill Washington, Catholic News Herald)

St. Mark School students receive ashes during school Wednesday. (Photos provided by Amy Burger)

St. Mark School students receive ashes during school Wednesday.(2) (Copy)

St. Mark School students receive ashes during school Wednesday.

St. Mark School students receive ashes during school Wednesday.

HUNTERSVILLE — St. Mark Church members receive ashes during a noon Mass at St. Mark Church.

HUNTERSVILLE — St. Mark Church members receive ashes during a noon Mass at St. Mark Church.

CHARLOTTE —Seminarians of St. Joseph College Seminary in Charlotte attended the 7 a.m. Ash Wednesday Latin Mass at St. Ann Parish. (Photos provided by Markus Kuncoro)

Father Matthew Kauth, rector of St. Joseph College Seminary, began the Ash Wednesday Liturgy with blessing of the ashes according to the traditional Latin Rite

Immediately after the distribution of ashes, Father Kauth offered a Low Mass in the Extraordinary Form.

CHARLOTTE —Seminarians of St. Joseph College Seminary in Charlotte attended the 7 a.m. Ash Wednesday Latin Mass at St. Ann Parish. (Photos provided by Markus Kuncoro)

CHARLOTTE —Seminarians of St. Joseph College Seminary in Charlotte attended the 7 a.m. Ash Wednesday Latin Mass at St. Ann Parish. (Photos provided by Markus Kuncoro)

Parishioners at St. Therese Church celebrated Ash Wednesday Mass with pastor Father Mark Lawlor Feb. 14. (Photos by John Cosmas, correspondent)

Parishioners at St. Therese Church celebrated Ash Wednesday Mass with pastor Father Mark Lawlor Feb. 14. (Photos by John Cosmas, correspondent)